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PUNE, India , March 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Loss of 50 kgs in just 20 days, saves Mrs Khan. Fastest weight loss so far reported anywhere in literature, a rare case reported for the
Nagpur: All India Medical Sciences (AIIMS Nagpur) has released the 6th-semester timetable 2019 batch and 1st-year timetable 2021 batch for the MBBS course. 6th-semester timetable 2019 batch – 18th May 2022 – 1. Surgery - Universal Safety - Precautions - Dr Soumya Ghoshal - Batch A- E
New Jersey, United States – The Verified Market Reports released the latest competent intelligence market research report on the ENT Endoscopic and Bronchoscopic Devices Market, The report aims to provide a thorough and accurate analysis of the ENT Endoscopic and Bronchoscopic
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BMC Medical Education volume 22, Article number: 290 (2022 ) Cite this article
Traditionally, practical skills are taught on face-to-face (F-F) basis. COVID-19 pandemic brought distan
Polyps are noncancerous (benign) growths that may resemble a cluster of grapes. They may be located near the front of your nose or farther back, in your sinuses.
Nasal polyps can cause symptoms that impact your quality of life, such as:
Surgery is usually considered only when othe
New Jersey, United States – The Verified Market Reports released the latest competent intelligence market research report on the ENT Forceps Market, The report aims to provide a thorough and accurate analysis of the ENT Forceps market, taking into account market forecast, compe
Clip Applicator Market,Clip Applicator Market size, Clip Applicator Market share.
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Cureus is on a mission to change the long-standing paradigm of medical publishing, where submitting research can be costly, complex and time-consuming.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins this week issued a report noting that their Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (STAR) system has completed laparoscopic surgery on a pig tissue without human guidance. The surgery, which involves the connecting of two instestinal ends, was performed successfully on anim